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A Common Definition

Common Definiion

If coaching means different things to different people in different settings, we may not be coaching as intended.

Coaching is intentional, job-embedded professional learning designed to support teachers and staff in implementing practices with fidelity. Coaching takes place after training and happens while practitioners are doing their work.

The Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP) is the definition of coaching, allowing coaching to be teachable, learnable, doable, and replicable. That way, it means the same thing to different people in different settings and we have fidelity to coaching! 

Installing a Coaching System

Common Definiion

One role of coaching is to support educators in the implementation of an innovation. Ongoing research shows that effective coaching improves teacher practice. What is often overlooked however, is that coaching is also an innovation which must be operationalized before it can support innovations with fidelity. The following tool, adapted from the National Implementation Research Network, fits the needs of Wisconsin educators.

Included in each section below, are key activities along with tools and resources to guide you through each stage of implementing a coaching system. 


The exploration stage is a critical starting place when regions, districts and schools are considering change. Taking the time to explore what to do, how to do it, and who will do it saves time and money and improves the chances for success. The exploration stage takes place well before coaching is put in place. The overall goal of this stage is to consider the extent to which coaching meets the needs of the community, and whether it is feasible. This stage is also the time to assess potential barriers to implementation related to funding, staffing, referrals, and system changes. The result of the exploration stage is a clear plan with tasks and timelines to facilitate the installation and initial implementation of the coaching. The plan creates “readiness” for the change.

Click on the Exploration Stage portion of the worksheet to access the resources and evidence of implementation.


During the installation stage, the team actively builds their own capacity to support coaching within the system. At this stage, teams work together to ensure the availability of resources. Teams actively develop the supports needed to initiate coaching and use it as intended. Teams put necessary supports into place (such as funding, human resource strategies, new policies and procedures, materials).

Click on the Installation Stage portion of the worksheet to access the resources and evidence of implementation.

Initial Implementation

The key focus of the initial implementation stage is on continuous improvement. Staff are attempting to use newly learned skills in the context of an organization, that is itself just learning how to change to accommodate and support the new ways of work. This is the most fragile stage where the awkwardness associated with trying new things and the difficulties associated with changing old ways of work are strong motivations for giving up and going back to comfortable routines.

Full Implementation

In the full implementation stage, the new ways of providing services are now the standard ways of work where practitioners and staff routinely provide high quality services and the implementation supports are part of the way districts and schools carry out their work. Teams are built into organization structures and are essential contributors to the ongoing success of using the coaching. Staff, administrators and leaders come and go and each new person needs to develop the competencies to effectively carry out the innovation and its implementation supports.

What's next for you?

Are you ready to reflect on your coaching skills? Take the self assessment to determine your strengths and growth areas. The coaching competency self-assessment is a private reflection of an individual’s coaching skills and needs related to each of the competencies within the CCPP. There are a series of statements taken from the “expected use in practice” column of the CCPP. Each individual should read the statements and score themselves on a scale from 1 being low and 4 being high. There is also an optional space to provide rationale. Although rationales are optional, information entered will be valuable in informing your professional development and coaching needs. This is an excellent tool to inform your professional growth and goal development.

Take the Self Assessment

Ways to Continue Your Learning

Lead your own book study! Choose one that fits your team's needs:

Coaching for Equity: Follow a detailed facilitator guide to lead colleagues in deep discussion of the text, Coaching for Equity, Conversations that Change practice by Elena Aguilar. You can read about the original book study, led by Statewide Coaching Coordinator, Joseph Kanke, in the March 2021 Coaching Chronicles Newsletter.

Coaching for Equity Book Study

Street Data: The book study is divided up into five sessions, with approximately 50 pages of reading to be completed in preparation for each session. Each individual session is designed with a 60-minute format in mind and could be conducted face-to-face or virtually. Resources include a Participant Guide template and digital slides for each session.

Street Data Book Study

Art of Coaching Teams: This one page facilitator's guide outlines a suggested reading schedule along with reasoning and walks through a one hour meeting structure. It also links to a slide deck with norms and protocols as well as a collaborative document to capture the group’s dialogue.

Art of Coaching Teams Book Study

Grow a coaching network! Finding your community is important. We grow in our reflective practice when we take time to dialogue and seek feedback. Fostering your network will open new doors to professional learning and support, look to see what is available to you and make some connections. Read more about creating your own coaching network.

For questions about this information, contact Rachel Fregien (608) 266-7118