Purpose of Evaluation
As with the purpose of the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness (EE) System for evaluating teachers and principals, as well as the Wisconsin-created evaluations for other professional staff roles, the WI Evaluation of Coaches is designed and intended as a performance-based continuous improvement system. The Coach Evaluation processes and rubric are intended to provide meaningful and relevant feedback for the instructional, teams, or systems coaches that support guided, individualized, and self-determined professional growth and development.
A stakeholder workgroup of Wisconsin coaches, evaluators, and coach organizations developed the Wisconsin Coach Evaluation rubric and processes to align to national professional standards and the WI Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP) for coaching systems. The CCPP has recently been updated and the aligned WI coach evaluation tools will be available in the Frontline Education Platform starting 2022-2023 and Google format that may be used through the individual district’s local storage options.
WI Coach Evaluation User Guide
The WI Coach Evaluation User Guide provides a foundational understanding of WI’s Coach Evaluation System. The Coach Evaluation User Guide outlines the recommended minimum processes for coaches and their evaluators to plan and carry out learning-centered evaluations specific to their unique professional roles. The User Guide contains specific examples of application and implementation for different types of coaches: instructional, teams, and systems.
Coach Evaluation Process Forms
We are excited to offer growth-focused WI Coach Evaluation record-keeping tools that utilize the newly revised practice rubric to better support your local processes!
- Self-Review to identify areas for growth or areas of strength.
- New Professional Growth Portfolio that displays all information from all EE processes and tabs for a one-stop shop to review, reflect, and download for record-keeping.
- Ability to establish agreed-upon WI Coach Rubric components of focus for the year on the Professional Growth Portfolio. The areas of focus are then displayed across tabs to focus evidence collection and professional conversations.
- New Professional Conversations Log to flexibly document growth conversations, identifying areas of achievement and growth as well as next steps.
Streamlined Record-Keeping
This new version of the forms is formatted to have ALL of the WI Coach Evaluation process forms combined into ONE FILE. This format has benefits and important working considerations.
Process forms in the Frontline Education platform to state model districts available by request. Contact Laura Ruckert at laura.ruckert@dpi.wi.gov for more information.
Get the New Professional Growth Portfolio
- One file to track, instead of a multitude of files. Tabs/Sheets can be printed or saved as PDF individually for record-keeping.
- The ability to pull information and display information from one tab to another helps to streamline the processes/information. This may prevent some flipping between multiple files/forms to review information.
- Both the evaluator and the coach can see and access all of the tabs at all times.
- Each person may want to draft text outside of the file if it is not desired for the other party to review before final.
- If drafting information within the file with plans to come back and finalize, determine a communication system to indicate text as draft. Examples include using a designated fill color in a cell or adding "DRAFT" in all caps at the beginning of the text.
- It is recommended that a bidirectional communication system is agreed upon and established.
End-of-Cycle Summary (optional)
When evaluation processes are implemented as a collaborative, learning-centered process every year, where continuous ongoing feedback occurs on all of the rubric components throughout the cycle, summative documentation is not required. Levels of performance should be discussed at the descriptor level of the rubric components. Overall scores are not recommended. The evaluator and coach should identify areas of focus (components) for the coming year.
The fields at the bottom of the Professional Growth Portfolio tab may be used as a cycle summary documentation, or they may be utilized as a coach summative reflection and locally developed, additional rows/fields can be added at the bottom to document evaluator summative record-keeping.