We all recognize the value that coaching support provides for educational systems. We also understand that many of the systems in which we provide educational services are broken. Systemic inequities exist all around us and can negatively impact our work, our colleagues, communities and ultimately our students. Coaches have a unique role and are equipped to recognize, respond and work to root out systemic inequities. But, what does that LOOK like in practice? How is that skill operationalized in action?
At the inception of the Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP), there was an awareness of the role coaches play in holding equity central to their work. This equity mindset was initially embedded within the “Knowledge Base Development'' competency. After feedback from the field and further research, it was apparent the language included within the tool didn’t go far enough to describe a coaching equity mindset. In an effort to address this need and improve Wisconsin’s definition of coaching, an incredibly talented and experienced group of coaches and equity leaders convened to research and develop a new competency. Out of this collaborative work emerged the competency entitled “Equity Mindset”. This newest competency was developed to describe the moves exceptional coaches make as they navigate an often unjust system of inequities in an effort to challenge the very policies and practices that marginalize Wisconsin’s students and lead to achievement gaps.
You’ll see other changes within the CCPP as well. The existing competencies have been reorganized to reflect a more natural progression of coach skill development. You will see that “Relationship Development” is now up at the top of the list instead of its previous location as competency 5. Relationship Development was moved up because it is recognized as a first step in all successful coaching interactions. You will also notice that “Reflective Practice” is now the final competency instead of the first. While reflection may take place at any point of a coaching cycle, reflection at the end of a coaching session is especially crucial.
Throughout the document, there is a more intentional use of language focusing on equity and the importance of centering that lens in the work. As you review the updated Coaching Competency Practice Profile, you may notice, we were intentional and mindful of our word choice. This is important work and syntax matters. The agency strives to continue to push the field in equitable practices and doing what is best for each and every learner in our care. Highlighting a coaching equity mindset with clear and deliberate language is yet another way to do so.
Take a look for yourself!