As summer approaches, work continues on supporting and implementing changes to reading instruction outlined in Act 20, Wisconsin’s reading legislation. A lawsuit filed by the Wisconsin State Legislature last month related to appropriations does not impact requirements in Act 20 and progress toward implementing the law for the 2024-25 school year.
The DPI continues moving forward to support local education agencies in delivering high-quality reading instruction for all Wisconsin students. The department is on track to sign a contract with a vendor for the reading readiness assessment in July, so expect details about that closer to the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.
As always, visit the DPI’s Wisconsin Reads webpage for additional information and updates related to Act 20. Answers to common questions about Act 20 and what is required from districts can be found on the department’s Act 20 FAQ webpage. Questions and requests can also be sent via email to This inbox is monitored by multiple DPI staff. We also encourage you to reach out to your local Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA) literacy consultants, who regularly collaborate with the department on all things Act 20.