As the fall semester of school continues, Shelley Joan Weiss, the Wisconsin commissioner for the Interstate Compact for the Education of Military Children, wants to remind parents of military children and all public K-12 school districts of the enclosed resources.
- WI DPI Educational Opportunities for Military Children
- Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission
- WI State Council Information
- Parent Toolkit
- School Toolkit
The Compact Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children exists to ease transitions and remove educational barriers for the children of military families who often experience frequent moves and unique challenges. If you have questions, please contact Shelley Joan Weiss, WI Commissioner, or Becky Walley, Wisconsin School Liaison Officer, if you have questions.
Current federal legislation requires that public school districts include a voluntary component in their registration process to help districts and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction identify the children of military members. This helps schools to provide needed support for military children and families and also provide needed support for military children and families and helps each state better identify to have more information on where military families are located throughout the state.
We also want to provide a reminder that November is Military Family Appreciation Month, and Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. There is new research on teenagers in military families that was recently released from the National Military Family Association. Find more information available here on the organization’s website.
Additional Information is available through the following organizations:
Thank you for your strong support for all children and particularly the children of military families!