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Coaching: A Cornerstone for Change - Registration Open for 2024-25

Friday, May 24, 2024

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 2024-25 School Year


Register for CESA 7 Cohort

Register for CESA 4 Cohort


This five part professional learning experience is centered on the coaching behaviors defined in Wisconsin’s Coaching Competency Practice Profile. Participants can expect to learn, reflect, and practice skills centered around relationship development, communication, coaching conversations, change facilitation, reflection and equity mindset. Coaches will also consider the power of coaching teams and systems.

Session Objectives:

  • Session 1: Relationship Development & Coach Leader Partnerships: The morning of day one will explore building the importance of the coach/principal relationship as well as systems of coaching support. Principal/Leadership attendance for the morning of day one is strongly encouraged. In this session, you will know and understand the significance of creating trusting and respectful relationships so that you can create the conditions to coach around shifting behaviors, mindsets, values and beliefs.
  • Session 2: The Coaching Conversation & Communication Skills: In this session, you will know and understand effective communication skills so that you can positively affect client outcomes and; You will know and understand how to facilitate cyclical coaching conversations so that you can support clients to positively impact equitable outcomes for each and every learner.
  • Session 3: Facilitating Change: In this session, you will know and understand that there is a spectrum of ways people experience and respond to change so that you can meet individuals where they are and facilitate a process to identify beliefs and assumptions they may hold which could get in the way of possibilities.
  • Session 4: Knowledge Base Development & Reflective Practice: In this session, you will know and understand a wide range of coaching approaches so that you can be responsive to the situational needs of all clients and; You will know and understand how to engage in continuous self-improvement through professional learning and feedback so you can positively impact your coaching practice.
  • Session 5: Coaching Teams & Systems: In this session you will know and understand various team stages and dynamics and the importance of embedding coaching within the infrastructure of the system so that you can support sustainable, transformational change that positively impacts outcomes for each and every learner. 

ADDED BONUS of a Community of Coaching

In addition to the 5 learning sessions, you are invited to participate in facilitated coaching spaces where you can engage with a coaching partner to coach each other around how you’ve implemented and plan to continue implementing the coaching competencies. These ninety minute spaces will occur each month from February-May.

  • February: Relationship Development - Are you still experiencing barriers to building relationships? What strategies are important for maintaining relationships? What experience have you had with repairing a breach of trust?
  • March: Coaching Conversation Facilitation and Communication - What are some moves you have made to promote reflection, challenge assumptions, and dig for details and depth? What challenges have you encountered in structuring coaching conversations? What about communication outside of coaching conversations that could benefit from further discussion
  • April: Change Facilitation - What experience do you have leveraging productive conflict? How has you experience been with resistance? What strategies or questions have you used to bring clients into their sphere of control? What about coaching for change has felt heavy?
  • May: Knowledge Base Development and Reflective Practice - What are some intentional moves you’ve made to find and engage in professional development? What progress towards your individual coaching goal can you celebrate? What may be some opportunities for growth over the summer and upcoming year?

blue megaphoneHear from past participants: 

  • "I appreciate the structure and resources for us to prepare for our new group of coaching clients and that it is a homework assignment to hold accountability to being prepared for this work."
  • "So much great information! I feel confident applying the different ideas when working with a team and also applying these to support individuals in a team."
  • "I loved the practicing writing a question from directive, facilitative, to transformational depending on role. This is a great way to analyze the questions I am using....I could maybe take my top five questions and chart if they were directive, facilitative, or transformational. Loved the time to practice and the demo of the problem of practice."

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