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Service-Learning: Resources

Publications and Kits
Online Articles

Publications and Kits


2x4x8: Fostering Resiliency through Service-Learning. This project was designed to promote service-learning as a strategy for building resilience in youth. Begun in July 1996, the project led to the development of comprehensive service-learning programs in eight middle schools, and included partnerships between the middle schools and the University of Wisconsin at River Falls and Platteville. The project concluded June 30, 2000. You can download the final evaluation summary.

Sustaining Service-Learning in Wisconsin : What Principals, Teachers & Students Say About Service-Learning, a 16-page report on the status of service-learning in Wisconsin, is now available.

This publication includes the results of several surveys of Wisconsin students, teachers and principals about their experiences with and support for service-learning; a sample school board policy; quotes from students, teachers and principals; definitions; and some useful resources.

How to Control Liability and Risk in Volunteer Programs: Concrete Suggestions, Clear Definitions, and a Preventive Approach to Managing Legal Risk and Liability. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Office on Volunteer Services, 1992. 112 pages. Contact 202-785-3891.

Created to address the legal concerns of volunteer organizations, this guidebook was developed jointly by the Minnesota Office on Volunteer Services, Department of Administration; the Community and Human Resources Development Section of the Minnesota Department of Human Services; and the Minnesota State Bar Association.

Enriching the Curriculum through Service-Learning. Carol W. Kinsley and Kate McPherson, editors. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1995. ASCD stock number 1-95057. 140 pages, paperback. $15.95. Contact 703/549-9110.

This practical guide describes specific projects that have enhanced student learning. It also discusses how the service-learning approach can change a school's culture so that it becomes a partner with the community while involving students in hands-on learning, problem solving, and application of academic knowledge.

National Youth Leadership Council.



Online Articles and Helpful Organizations

Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club so successful is the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.

Youth Voice Home Page This site aims to prove that MINORS can play a MAJOR ROLE. Their national clearinghouse also provides help and information to parents, mentors, teachers, principals, policy-makers and other adult allies who want to collaborate with youth to achieve positive community change.

NCES Study Shows Increasing Use of Service-Learning Nationwide.
Service-learning, discussed here in terms of incorporating community service experiences into students' school work, has long been viewed as a positive education reform option. The 18-page report, "Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools," includes results from what is described as the most comprehensive national survey of public elementary, middle, and high school officials on those programs.

Education Week Articles.
Education Week offers many articles about Service-Learning and community service etc. To find them-go the the Education week website and search for service-learning.

Publications and Kits
Online Articles






For questions about this information, contact Victoria Rydberg-Nania (608) 266-0419