Civics Webinars and Professional Learning

As we move into a period of implementation support for the K-8 Suggested Scope & Sequence and the suggested High School course, there will be multiple professional learning opportunities for teachers and districts. Professional learning from DPI, partners, CESAs, and Civics Fellows will be listed here when available.
Webinar Recording: Introduction to the Wisconsin Civics Project

On October 23, 2023, DPI Social Studies consultant Kris McDaniel held a webinar introducing the Wisconsin Civics Project. The work began with a vision from State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly, and ended with the release of three documents on October 17, 2023: a K-5 Social Studies/Civics Suggested Scope & Sequence, a 6-8 Social Studies/Civics Suggested Scope & Sequence, and a High School Suggested Course in Civics or Government. This webinar introduces the work, outlines the initiative, provides a brief overview of the state of civics education in the state and country, summarizes each of the three documents, and outlines future webinars and plans for implementation support statewide.
You can access the recording of the webinar here and the slide deck can be found here.