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Helpful Resources

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Classroom and Curriculum Resources

There are many resources that could help local districts and educators determine what is meaningful and manageable to teach in their social studies classes. 



Wiselearn button for social studies

Find helpful social studies resources curated by Wisconsin educators at WISELearn

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Disciplinary Literacy

The Wisconsin Standards for Literacy in All Subjects outline the use of literacy to help students understand content standards.

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Observance Days

There are required observance days for Wisconsin schools.  Consider some resources from trusted partners.

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Teaching About Current Issues

Sometimes, current issues are difficult to teach.  These resources from trusted partners may be helpful.

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Text Sets and Booklists

Using literacy time to support social studies instruction? Consider starting the work using the content standard and building text sets to support learning.

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Teaching About Wisconsin

Are you teaching about Wisconsin history, geography, or government and don't know where to find resources?  Start with our trusted partners.

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Past Presentations

DPI Social Studies Consultant Kris McDaniel archives her presentations for the last six months, and links to common presentation topics.

For questions about this information, contact Kristen McDaniel (608) 266-2207