Special Education Key Resources
Resources that all families and educators should know and share.
For those new to special education:
- An Introduction to Special Education
- Introducción a la Educación especial
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For those who want to know special education laws in parent friendly language:
For those seeking help finding community resources for their child with a disability:
- Wisconsin Wayfinder, Department of Health Services: Wisconsin Wayfinder supports families of children with delays, disabilities, special health care needs, and mental health conditions. Children’s resource guides are helpers who assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services available through the Children’s Resource Network. Their services are free and confidential. Connect with a children's resource guide. Call (877) WiscWay or use our contact form.
Families Preparing For IEP Meetings
- Student Snapshot [Spanish] This resource can be filled out by families to share information about their child prior to or during IEP meetings.
- WI FACETS IEP Checklist for Families
- College and Career Ready IEPs: What Families Need to Know, WSPEI Brochure [Spanish]
- Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI) - IEP Resources
Students Preparing For IEP Meetings
- My Snapshot [Spanish] This resource can be filled out by students to share information about themselves prior to or during IEP meetings.
- Wisconsin Transition App: The Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) designed a transition app to increase self-direction and self-advocacy for all Wisconsin youth in the transition planning process.
- Sample IEP Notes Template or Self-Directed IEP Template: To assist students with sharing information or facilitating IEP meetings.
Videos and Recorded Training
- An Introduction to Special Education: Aimed at parents of students with disabilities, this video covers the special education process, including Evaluation, Referral, Creation of the Individualized Education Plan, Placement, and Annual Review. Also touched on are Extended School Year Services and strategies for resolving disagreements. Brought to you by the DPI and the Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI).
- WI FACETS Training Webinar Recordings: A large variety of recorded training on lots of special education and disability topics. WI FACETS
- How to Conduct Friendly and Productive IEP Team Meetings: A video for educators to improve the experience of IEP meetings for families. Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System
- Videos on Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: Youth and family members from WI tell their stories of how they have used the tools during their transition journey. The videos feature youth and their family members talking about Adult Providers, Medications, Decisions, and Appointments. Health Transition Wisconsin.
Additional Resources
- CDC’s Developmental Milestones, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Disability Category Criteria
- Monthly Family Engagement Newsletters
- Special Education Acronym and Terms
- Special Education Data
- State Superintendent's Council on Special Education
- Students with Disabilities and Statewide Assessment
- Supported Decision Making: Because Choice Matters
- Wisconsin School Directory
- WSPEI: Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative