The Indicator 8 Family Engagement Survey is not just a tool to measure current family engagement efforts. The survey is also a tool for planning evidence-based and parent recommended practices to engage families in their child’s education. Administrators and educators are encouraged to utilize the following resources to develop beliefs, skills, and systems within their schools to effectively engage families in special education, IEP meetings, and their children’s education.
Parents, take the survey here.
Resources to Prepare for Survey Administration

PCSA and Indicator 8 Family Engagement Survey Comparison - Update Coming Soon
This cross walk document compares items on WI DPI’s Procedural Compliance Self- Assessment with the Family Engagement Survey questions. Schools can use this resource to help link effective family engagement practices to required IEP development and implementation requirements.
Indicator 8 Guide
Using the Survey to Improve School and District Practices
State and federally funded parent support and advocacy organizations and the Wisconsin Council on Special Education partnered with DPI to develop the Family Engagement Survey questions. The survey questions align with DPI’s CCR IEP framework as well as state and national family engagement frameworks. Educators can use the questions to examine and improve individual, school, and district-wide family engagement practices.
Family Engagement Survey: School Age Questions (Encuesta de Participación Familiar: Preguntas sobre la Edad Escolar)
Family Engagement Survey: Preschool Questions (Encuesta de Participación Familiar: Preguntas sobre la Encuesta Para Preescolar)
Statewide Indicator 8 Family Engagement Survey Reports
These statewide reports from past school years highlight comments from parents who have taken the family engagement survey and provide excellent examples of effective family engagement practices compared to practices that parents feel need improvement