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The states of Wisconsin and Hessen (Germany) signed a partnership agreement in 1976 and have cooperated in many areas in commerce, research, colleges, universities, and K-12 education programs. Throughout the years, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and the Hessisches Kultusministerium (Hessen Department of Education) have collaborated to support a sister-school program, teacher seminars and a high school student exchange program. 

The Hessen-Wisconsin Student Exchange Program is currently in its final year of implementation.  Seven students from Hessen are spending the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic year in Wisconsin host school communities and will host six Wisconsin students as they live and learn in Hessen second semester.  The impact of this program is captured in the video “Sharing Lives and Trading Places” 

Wisconsin schools are encouraged to establish partnerships with schools around the world for global learning.  Wisconsin DPI will cooperate with our partner regions around the world to expand and sustain opportunities for international partnerships and professional learning.   




For questions about this information, contact Pamela Delfosse (608) 267-9265