Program Overview
Wisconsin's Global Scholars Program is designed to improve global learning across the curriculum in an effort to prepare all students to be workforce-, world-, and life-ready with global competence. Wisconsin school districts submit a District Application to be authorized to facilitate the Global Scholars Program within their school community.
District Application Form (For best results, download, open, and complete pdf form in Acrobat Reader)
Participating districts may seek approval to add qualifying courses to their Global Scholars Program using the Course Approval Request Form.
Global Scholars develop global competence through the following program requirements:
- Four credits of sustained learning in a world language or evidence of language proficiency at or above Intermediate High on the ACTFL scale. (Language learners may also be interested in pursuing a Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy.)
- Four credits of coursework designed to facilitate global learning. (Courses submitted by districts to DPI for review and approval through program application and revision process.)
- Eight reflections on global learning and cultural literacy development through reading 4 or more books (fiction or non-fiction), and including up to 4 learning experiences through art, music, films, podcasts, and community-based cultural events.
- Active participation/leadership in four, or more, school-based extracurricular and special events with a global focus.
- Twenty or more hours of service learning projects related to a global issue.
The Certificate of Global Competence
Program coordinators certify student completion of program requirements using the State-Certified Credentials App and publish digital Certificates of Global Competence for qualifying Global Scholars. This credential serves as a college, career, and community readiness talent marker recognizing students' language, intercultural and global competence. Coordinators, in districts authorized to implement the program, follow the Wise Home Credential Site User Guide to enter student data, track progress, and publish certificates.
Global Competence
Wisconsin's working definition for global competence is based on a framework developed by the Asia Society in collaboration with the Office of Economic Cooperation and Development. Their joint publication Teaching for Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World provides guidance and examples of how to engage students in global learning across formal and lived curricula.
Global competence is defined as the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues, to understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people from different cultures, and to act for collective well-being and sustainable development. (OECD/Asia Society, 2018)
Sample resources for building and assessing global competence across the curriculum are available below: