Wisconsin's Vision for Student Success in Mathematics
This newly revised Wisconsin Vision For Mathematics was written based on the work of WI educators over the course of the last few years, particularly through the writing of the Instructional Practice Guides and the revised Wisconsin Standards for Mathematics.
Mathematical proficiency is essential for each and every student in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Standards for Mathematics demonstrate a commitment to high expectations for what students should learn and the instructional shifts that will prepare them for their future.
Educators and leaders at all levels must take on the challenge and the responsibility to ensure that all students are mathematically literate.
Mathematics is a human activity of experiencing, interacting with, and relating to the world. Recognizing and developing relationships between and among the people, practices, and content are crucial for student success.
Stay Connected!
Resources from learning opportunities are housed in a DPI Public Google Folder. Go to www.bit.ly/DPIMath or use this QR code.
Visit the DPI Mathematics Community Webpage