Wisconsin Mathematics Council (WMC) - Affiliate with NCTM (see National Organizations); Click “Membership" for options including a free E-Membership. Find information about the annual conference and more!
Wisconsin Mathematics Education Foundation (WMEF) - Financially supports excellence in mathematics education for students and teachers in Wisconsin. Find scholarships, grants, and other projects that support mathematics teaching and learning. WMEF is the Foundation of the WMC.
Wisconsin - Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (WI-AMTE) - Affiliate with AMTE (see National Organizations); Provides access to a network of other WI educators and resources.
Mathematics Institute of Wisconsin - A charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps math educators develop stronger content knowledge and more effective teaching strategies.
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) - WI Section - Affiliate with MAA; Provides professional development for members and mathematics students; Hosts an annual math competition for Wisconsin high school students.