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New Reporting Tools About Digital Learning Equity in Wisconsin Available

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Last month, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shared continued initiatives to help provide better access to digital learning opportunities for Wisconsin students. This month, the DPI released two new reporting tools the public can use to learn more about the state of digital learning equity across Wisconsin. These tools include the new Digital Equity dashboard in the WISEdash Public Portal and the Wisconsin Digital Equity Public Map.

  • Digital Equity Dashboard. A new report of statewide digital equity data is now available for public use on the WISEdash Public Portal. The new public Digital Equity dashboard provides a high-level view of the state of digital learning equity in Wisconsin, including students’ access to the internet and to at-home learning devices. You are invited to use this data to help support advocacy for increased digital access across the state. For a detailed tour of the new public dashboard, visit the Digital Equity Public Portal help page.

  • Public Digital Equity Map. The new publicly-available Wisconsin Digital Equity mapping tool gives the public a visualized overview of student internet access across the state. You can switch between maps showing both internet availability and performance by district using tabs at the top of the page, or click on individual school districts on the map for a district-specific view.

To learn more about DPI initiatives to improve digital learning equity and how your school district or family can get involved, visit the DPI Digital Equity web page. For questions, please email Rachel Schemelin at

Subscriber Submission: DPI Technical Writer, Garrison Gondek; DPI E-Rate and Broadband Consultant, Rachel Schemelin