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Calendar and Due Dates

The Wisconsin School District Fiscal Year Spans July 1 to June 30

icon representing a calendar

Most school district budgeting and accounting activities are cyclical in nature (that is, they occur each year in the same order and within the same general time frame). However, because pre- and post-fiscal year activities will require your attention for more than 12 months, you could feasibly be working on three fiscal years at the same time.

For instance, in December you might be answering Department of Public Instruction (DPI) follow-up questions on the previous-year's Annual Report, submitting the new year's Budget Report and possibly gathering enrollment projections for a "first look" at next year's Revenue Limit. Plus, when you are new to a finance job, it seems like every activity requires LOTS of background research to even start to get an idea of what you need to be doing (let alone actually doing it).

Calendar Resources for Organizing Your Work

Several different calendar mechanisms are provided online to help you organize your work.

Calendar Year

Displays upcoming School Financial Services (SFS)-related events and due dates on an actual calendar via our online calendar system.

Fiscal Year at a Glance

The Fiscal Year at a Glance 2024-25 is a single page document (front and back) that lists which financial reports need to be filed with SFS and when they are due.

State Aids Payment Schedule

The State Aid Payment Schedule is organized by school year (July - June) and found on the AIDS Payment page.

NOTE: s. 121.15(2)(a) Wis. Stats. No state aid payments may be made to any district until the annual report under s.120.18 has been filed with DPI. No state aid payments may be made to any district in the months of November to June until the budget and membership report under s. 121.05 is filed with DPI. If the state superintendent notifies a school district that a state aid payment may be withheld under par. (a) or (b), he or she shall notify each member of the school board or the school district clerk and the school district clerk shall promptly distribute a copy of the notice to each member of the school board.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114