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DPI uses keywords that are used to associate content with major category/topic areas. By using this classification system, you are able to click a keyword and see a listing of DPI content that has been associated with this category.

Please scan over the titles below. If you see a topic that interests you, click the Read More link to access the page.

Access to State Government Information Made Easy

The Wisconsin Document Depository Program makes access to electronic state government information easy and convenient for libraries! Librarians can review lists of recently archived state documents,which are regularly updated, and choose different options for providing access to library users. The following are the three ways distribution lists can be used to enhance a library’s collection.

Statewide Data Landscape Study Final Report Released

The Department of Public Instruction Library Services Team announced today the release of the Statewide Data Landscape Study Final Report. The report coincides with the objectives of the DPI 2023-2027 LSTA Strategic Plan, which includes developing and increasing public library staff’s access to, awareness of, and use of data, resources, and tools for library service and administrative decision-making and planning.
