Wisconsin's Standards for English Language Arts (ELA) were revised in 2020. The professional learning modules on this page support schools, districts, and/or organizations in developing a general understanding of the 2020 standards in order to ensure instruction, materials, and assessments are aligned.
Each module includes a Google slide deck with speaker notes and any applicable handouts. The modules can be saved and edited for local use.
While an individual user could read the speaker notes and develop an understanding of the content, we encourage learning about these standards be done collaboratively.
Module 1: Organization of the Standards
Module 1: Organization of the Standards provides an overview of the introduction, appendices, and major organizing features of the standards, including strands, overarching statements, clusters, anchor standards, and grade-level standards.
Click here to access a view-only version of the module 1 slides. Save a copy to personalize for local use.
Click here to access a note taking tool for use with module 1. Save a copy for personal use.
Module 2: High-Level Revisions to the Standards
Module 2: High-Level Revisions to the Standards explains changes between Wisconsin's 2010 and 2020 standards for English language arts. Topics include: overarching statements, Wisconsin's Key Shifts for ELA (2020) and details about changes in each strand (reading foundational skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language).
Click here to access a view-only version of the slides for module 2. Save a copy to personalize for local use.
Click here to access a note taking tool for use with the module 2. Save a copy for personal use.
Module 3: Wisconsin ELA Standards and Curriculum
Module 3: Wisconsin ELA Standards and Curriculum outlines a process for noticing how existing curriculum may need to be revised to reflect Wisconsin's 2020 standards for ELA, and explains changes between Wisconsin's 2010 and 2020 standards for English language arts. In addition to considering the impact of the revised standards, the module also asks participants to ensure all students will meet or exceed grade-level standards by recognizing and eliminating barriers.
Click here to access a view-only version of the module 3 slides. Save a copy to personalize for local use.
Click here for a handout defining terms related to curriculum.
Click here for 2010 / 2020 comparison charts showing word-level changes for all standards.
Click here to access a supplementary module about eliminating barriers through culturally sustaining practice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Webinar Series: Wisconsin's Standards for English Language Arts (ELA), 2020
Recorded in the fall of 2020, this five part webinar series is based on the professional learning modules shared on this page. Click here to access an explanation of the webinar series. Archived webinars will be added as they become available (approximately one to two weeks after the live presentation of the webinar).
- Webinar 1: Organization of the standards. Based on Module 1, this webinar overviews the organizing features of the standards.
- Webinar 2: Revisions, Part 1. Based on Module 2, this webinar overviews high-level revisions of the standards. Part 1 explains Wisconsin's 2020 Shifts for ELA and overarching statements.
- Click here to access the recorded webinar on YouTube.
- Click here to access a view only copy of the slides.
- Webinar 3: Revisions, Part 2. Based on Module 2, this webinar overviews high-level revisions of the standards. Part 2 explains high-level revisions within each strand of the standards.
- Click here to access the recorded webinar on YouTube.
- Click here to access a view only copy of the slides.
- Webinar 4: Standards and curriculum alignment, Part 1. Based on Module 3, this webinar introduces a process for examining standards in the context of curriculum in order to identify priorities for modifying or supplementing curriculum in order to be standards aligned. Part 2 continues this work.
- Click here to access the recorded webinar on YouTube.
- Click here to access a view only copy of the slides.
- Webinar 5: Standards and curriculum alignment, Part 2. Based on Module 3, this webinar reviews and continues a process for examining standards in the context of curriculum in order to identify priorities for modifying or supplementing curriculum in order to be standards aligned.
- Click here to access the recorded webinar on YouTube.
- Click here to access a view only copy of the slides.