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2018-2019 WI Digital Learning Survey Results, by State

DPI is pleased to present the state-level Digital Learning data (2018-2019 school year) for K-12 public schools in Wisconsin! DPI has compiled the survey responses of 420 Wisconsin school districts, which represent over 94% of all districts in the state. School district participation was voluntary and greatly appreciated!

On this page, you will find 14 charts that represent a cross-section of the 50 questions included in the Digital Learning Survey. The charts are inclusive of all five gears of the Wisconsin Digital Learning Plan and include a brief explanation of the data shown. For the complete set of state-level data, please scroll to the bottom of the page to find the PDF link. 

Hover over the chart to view the exact numbers of each data subset.

Gear 1: Instruction, Learning, and Assessment

The Wisconsin Digital Learning Plan is about teaching and learning in the digital environment in which citizens now live and work. It is not about devices, software, apps, or the latest tools. It is about the thoughtful planning, preparation, and analysis of student outcomes, professional learning, culture, and leadership.

The above chart shows that on average, the majority of curricular materials in districts is in print format as opposed to digital.

The above chart shows that most districts use a variety of formats to provide online learning.

The above chart shows more than half of all districts have Computer Science program or courses in their programs of study.

The above chart shows the majority of school districts in Wisconsin are using the Standards for Information and Technology Literacy during curricular planning in all content areas.

Gear 2: Technology and Hardware

The emphasis of this section of the plan is on the deployment of the systems critical to the success of all efforts toward student achievement. Those systems include student devices, digital content, networking hardware and software, bandwidth, service provider contracts, leadership, and technical training and support.

The above chart shows that four out of five Wisconsin districts have ubiquitous wireless environments in all or almost all of their buildings.

The chart above shows how many districts have assigned a mobile device to all of the students within each given grade level. 98 Wisconsin districts, or 23% of all districts, do not have any grades where every student is assigned a mobile device.

The above chart shows 35% of districts across the state have over 90% of students with home Internet access.

The above chart shows the majority of districts have less than 10% of students checking out mobile hotspots.

Gear 3: Empowering and Innovative Leadership

Innovative leadership has the opportunity to inspire change, support risk-taking and communicate expectations of use through curriculum, goals, and outcomes for all learners.

The above chart shows 52% of districts use the Digital Learning Plan somewhat or extensively in their district planning.  This is up from only 40% in the previous year. 

The above chart shows that less than one in four districts use the Future Ready Dashboard; three quarters do not. 

The above chart shows over half of districts either have or are working on a long-range library plan, while 45% do not have a current library plan.

Gear 4: Professional Learning and Building Capacity

Professional development encourages, facilitates, and often requires education professionals individually and collaboratively to create, join, and sustain professional networks both within and outside of the district, frequently leveraging the latest in social media. If districts establish flexible policies and practices that encourage and credit the personalization of professional learning for teachers, administrators and other education professionals, the result ultimately will help reduce the digital divide by fostering equitable learning opportunities focused on critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation.

The above chart shows more than 50% of all Network Technical Staff receive more than 15 hours of professional learning in technology, but less than 50% of administrators and teachers receive the same.

Professional Learning Formats for Technology or Technology Integration


That above chart shows the top five categories used for professional learning as well as the percent of districts that use each.

Gear 5: Data and Privacy

Data privacy and security are foundational elements of digital learning. A personalized, learner-centered environment uses technology to collect, analyze, and organize data to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. The district ensures sound data privacy and security policies, procedures, and practices are in place at the district, school, classroom, and student levels.

The above chart shows around 70% of districts do not conduct safety and privacy audits which is down from almost 80% last year.

The above chart shows just over 75% of districts do not require staff training for data privacy and security.  This is slightly down from 83% of districts in the previous year.

Results for all survey questions at the state-level in PDF form.

Downloadable PDF copy of this page

For questions about this information, contact Amanda Albrecht (608) 267-1071