Using the Listserv

Listserv rules
- No solicitation.
- Be kind and courteous.
- No hate speech or bullying.
To send messages to the listserv:
- Open a new email. Address your email to
- "Reply" or "Reply to All"? Reply emails the sender of the message only. "Reply to All" emails the entire TEE listserv.
- Subject. Include key words in your subject line; those are used in searches of the listserv.
To search the listserv:
Select "Search" from the side bar menu of the Technology and Engineering Education Listserv home page.
To view or change settings:
Select "My Account" from the side bar menu of the Technology and Engineering Education Listserv home page. For example, you may choose to receive listserv correspondence individually when submitted or via summary in the digest mode.
For additional help, please e-mail
Unsubscribe from the Listserv
To unsubscribe from the technologyed listserv:
- Visit the Technology and Engineering Education Listserv home page.
- Select the "My Account" tab.
- Make sure your email address is indicated in the appropriate box, then select the "No email" option for Membership type.
- Select the "Save Changes" button.
Following these steps should take effect right away, and will prevent you from receiving any additional emails from the technologyed listserv.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or want to be added to the listserv.
Jake Mihm
Technology and Engineering Consultant
SkillsUSA State Director