Wisconsin English Language Development Standards
The professional learning modules on this page support schools, districts, and/or organizations in developing a general understanding of the 2020 English Language Development Standards Framework as designed by WIDA. This framework provides and supports language development and access to curriculum, instruction and assessment for multilingual learners in kindergarten through grade 12. LEAs should use these standards within Language Instruction Educational Program Models (LIEPs) supporting English learners in their local context
Each module includes a Google slide deck with speaker notes, transcripts, applicable handouts and a prerecorded webinar. Any of these resources can be shared, saved and edited for local use.
While an individual user could read the slides and speaker notes or view the recording to develop an understanding of the content, we encourage learning about these standards be done collaboratively. For example, the modules can be used as part of teacher preparation programs, professional learning communities, or to lead a in-person or virtual training.
Module: Wisconsin English Language Development Standards 101
This module is meant to help educators develop a high-level understanding of the standards. It highlights the importance of the English Language Development Standards to the education of multilingual learners. It touches the legal obligation related to the standards and offers suggested next steps and additional resources.
Supplemental Resources
- Click here to access a view-only version of the ELD Standards 101 module slides. Download and save a copy to personalize for local use.
- Click here for a transcript of ELD Standards 101 module presentation.
- Click here to access a note-taking tool for use with ELD Standards 101 module.
Recorded Modules
- Click here to access the recorded webinar.
- Click here to access a view-only copy of the ELD Standards 101 module slides.
Module: Collaborative Relationships to Meet the Needs of Multilingual Learners
This module supports districts and educators in building collaborative working relationships to meet the needs of Multilingual Learners through the implementation of language development standards. This module highlights the importance of collaboration, the roles of educators, building strong relationships, and co-planning to co-serve.
Additional Resources:
Click here to access a view only version of the Collaborative Relationships module. Download and save a copy to personalize for local use.
Click here to access Working Together: Systemic instruction for English Learners