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Wisconsin Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)

standards booklet cover

Wisconsin Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs (Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Business and Information Technology; Family and Consumer Sciences; Health Science; Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship; and Technology and Engineering) have a rich history and foundation of preparing young adults for the next steps in their lives—postsecondary education and the world of work. Through ties to business, industry and community, CTE programs provide perspectives and partnerships necessary to educate the entire student. Along with CTE’s relationships, the standards outlined in this document set a new direction for the knowledge and skills necessary for successful transition to postsecondary programs leading to and/or direct entry into high-wage, high-demand and highly skilled careers. When paired with the Common Core State Standards, Wisconsin students now have access to increasingly rigorous and relevant content to ensure college and career readiness. CTE Standards

Career and Technical Education Resources