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This professional learning provides information about the role of explicit and systematic phonics instruction in learning to read with a focus on both virtual and face-to-face spaces for learning to support early literacy instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The learning is consistent with the end-of-grade level expectations in Wisconsin's Standards for English Language Arts (ELA), 2020, particularly expectations in the reading foundational skills standards in kindergarten through grade two. The learning is based on a Wisconsin-created self-evaluation tool, titled the Foundational Reading Skills Tool (FRST), focused on instructional strategies that develop learner expertise in phonological awareness and phonics. The FRST is included in the materials for module 1 below.
The learning is focused on universal instruction delivered in English within Wisconsin's framework for equitable multi-level systems of supports in kindergarten through grade two.
Intended Audience: Literacy leaders and/or school teams serving learners in kindergarten through grade 2. While the information in the modules include ready-to-use information for classroom teachers, we encourage literacy leaders (such as district reading specialists, literacy coaches, principals, and/or curriculum directors) and/or school teams to view the modules to make decisions about how the information fits within a school or district system.
Note: The modules below come are recordings of live webinars. Each module will be added approximately one week after the live presentation. Registration for live viewing is closed.
Introduction to the Foundational Reading Skills Tool (FRST)
This 45-minute learning module is an introduction to the six-part series. It includes:
- a model representing the reading process (that situates reading foundational skills as one part of a larger process)
- an overview of the Foundational Reading Skills Tool (FRST)
- discussion of gradual release of responsibility as an instructional framework for explicit instruction
- an overview of Wisconsin's Strategic Assessment system
- descriptions of remaining modules in the series
- The Foundational Reading Skills Tool (FRST) can be accessed as an editable Google Doc or as a PDF.
- At any time, use this form to provide feedback on the FRST. Updates will be made periodically.
- The slides used in the module can be accessed as Google Slides.
- The Wisconsin model to represent the reading process.
- The recorded presentation is available on YouTube.
Phonological Awareness
This 70-minute learning module focuses on phonological awareness. It includes:
- definition of and research supporting phonological awareness
- scope and sequence for phonological awareness, including general progression of skills, information from Wisconsin's Standards for English Language Arts (2020), and connections to the Foundational Reading Skills Tool (FRST)
- instructional practices for phonological awareness, including video from a Wisconsin classroom and information about systems-level thinking from a Wisconsin literacy coach
- assessment practices for phonological awareness with an emphasis on formative assessment
- The slides used in the module can be accessed as Google Slides.
- Additional Information about Phonological Awareness (supplementary handout)
- Phonological Awareness: Games and Activities (supplementary information)
- The recorded presentation is available on YouTube.
Phonemic Awareness
- The slides used in the module can be accessed as Google Slides.
- The recorded presentation is available on YouTube.
Alphabetic Principle and Phonics
The slides used in this module can be accessed as Google Slides.
- Part 1: Alphabetic Principle and Phonics - recorded presentation on YouTube
- Part 2: Equitable Multi Level Systems of Support and Assessment - recorded presentation on YouTube
- Part 3: A School District Story - recorded presentation on YouTube
Part 1: Alphabetic Principle and Phonics
Part 2: Equitable Multi-Level System of Support and Assessment
Part 3: A School District Story
Shared Reading
- The slides used in this presentation can be accessed as Google Slides.
- The recorded presentation is available on YouTube.
Shared and Interactive Writing
- The slides used in this presentation can be accessed as Google Slides.
- The recorded presentation is available on YouTube.