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Family Engagement

Asset-Based Early Literacy-Related Family Engagement

This learning - designed for teams that include family members, community members, and individuals in schools - supports an asset-based approach to early literacy-related family engagement to position all children and families as literate and create coherence between family, community, and school literacies to improve early literacy outcomes.

The learning is designed for school systems, communities, and families serving students in 4K through grade 2 (including community-based 4K as part of the 4K through grade 2 system).

Teams who engage in this learning will:

  • Understand connections between family engagement and advancing educational equity
  • Understand asset-based approaches to early literacy-related family engagement
  • Select and take local action steps

2022 - 2023

During 2022 - 2023, select school teams will engage in learning and application based on the modules below. During 2023 - 2024, the modules will be improved based on the schools' work including Wisconsin-specific examples and family, community, and educator testimonials.

We welcome your feedback about this learning. Email Barb Novak ( or 608-266-5181) with questions or comments.

Origins of this Work

This learning is based on the scholarship of:

  • Dr. Cathy Compton-Lilly
  • Dr. Yasha Jones Becton
  • Dr. Michele Myers

Members of the State Superintendent’s Reading Advisory Council and other partners provided input.

Learning and Application

Begin by assembling a team to participate in the learning and action. The team should include family members, community members, and individuals in schools willing and able to engage side-by-side, in collaboration. 4K through grade 2 should be represented, including - as appropriate locally - community-based 4K.

Each module, intended to be facilitated face-to-face locally, includes about 30 minutes of learning and discussion followed by a task to complete prior to the next module.

Before using, make a local copy of the module. The copy can be personalized to include local priorities and nuances.

Module 1: Foundation

Click here to view the Google Slides for Module 1.

Module 2: Research-base

Click here to view the Google Slides for Module 2.

Module 3: Family assets

Click here to view the Google Slides for Module 3.

Module 4: Taking action

Click here to view the Google Slides for Module 4.


For questions about this information, contact Barbara Novak (608) 266-5181