School District Facility Regulations
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Green and Healthy Schools
The Wisconsin Green & Healthy Schools program is a web-based, self-paced, and voluntary program available to all Wisconsin public and private elementary, middle, and high schools. The Green and Healthy schools program was developed as a joint effort between the DPI and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2004 to recognize schools that assess needs and implement plans related to healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly learning environments. In 2012 the federal government created the Green Ribbon program that also provides recognition and certification to schools that document achievements related to energy savings, sustainability, health, wellness, and environmental education.
Health and Safety Standards
One of the 20 school district standards, standard (i) – Section 121.02(i), Wisconsin statutes, requires school districts to provide safe and healthful facilities. State administrative code PI 8.01(2)(i) related to standard (i) requires the development of a long-range facility maintenance plan.
Indoor Environmental Quality
In 2009 Wisconsin Act 96 was signed into law requiring the development and implementation of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) plans by all public school districts and those private schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) or Private Parental School Choice Program (PPSCP). The law also required DPI to develop a model plan based on the recommendations of a task force. That model plan was made available February 1, 2012.
Inspection of School Buildings
S.115.33, Wisconsin statutes, provides the state superintendent of public instruction authority to request the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services to inspect school buildings under specific circumstances.
Radon in Schools
A 2019 fact sheet on radon was prepared by the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. This fact sheet provides a basic foundation of what radon is, why testing in schools is important, and how to get started.
Resource List
This list of facility-related information resources includes links to state and federal websites and state and national organizations that have a focus on accessibility, building codes, environmental quality, or health and safety.
School Facility Survey
In 1998 the legislature passed a law requiring the DPI to survey the condition of school buildings in the state. The survey was conducted during the 1998-99 school year and a report was issued in 2000.