Surveys and Resources:
Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters: Click here for the survey.
Ag Explorer: Click here to start exploring career focus areas.
Information on Career Clusters: National Career Clusters website.
Career Cluster Frame: Click here for PDF
provides a broad overview for each Career Cluster, including Essential Knowledge and Skills, the types of educational topics studied within a particular Career Pathway, and a listing of sample Career Specialties or occupations

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources:
Production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources.
Program of Study Plans:
Agribusiness Systems - Excel File
Animal Systems - Excel File
Environmental Service Systems - Excel File
Food Products and Processing Systems - Excel File
Natural Resource Systems - Excel File
Plant Systems - Excel File
Power, Structural, and Technical Systems - Excel File
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways:
Agribusiness Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Animal Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Environmental Service Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Food Products and Processing Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Natural Resources Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Plant Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics:
Program of Study Plan:
Science and Mathematics - Excel File
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Pathways:
Science and Mathematics
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Technology and Engineering
Knowledge and Skills Chart - PDF File
Knowledge and Skills Chart - Excel File
Glossary of Terms
Career Cluster - A broad set of related occupations used when organizing career information, instruction, and student opportunities. Career Clusters provide a way for schools to organize instruction and student experiences around sixteen broad categories that encompass virtually all occupations from entry through professional levels. Resources such as KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS STRUCTURES and BROCHURES are available for each of the sixteen clusters. To read about the 16 national Career Clusters, go to
Program of Study (POS) - As defined by Perkins IV, a Program of Study identifies options for students to use when planning specific course work and other education activities that lead to a career pathway. A program of study specifies secondary and post-secondary courses, includes academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses, dual-credit opportunities, and industry-recognized credentials or associate or baccalaureate degree goals.
A subset of related occupations within a career cluster. Example: Quality Assurance is a program of study found within the Manufacturing Career Cluster.
Four-year Course Plan - An individualized course plan for the four years of high school related to the student's career major, this plan is a key component of the Career Program of Study.