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Summer Meal Program Choices for Schools

School Districts providing summer school academic and/or summer enrichment activities for children are encouraged to consider the three distinct funding opportunities that would allow for the continuation healthy school meals into the summer months. These opportunities include:

  1. National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and/or Afterschool Snack Program: Allows you to provide meals to summer school students under the same program(s) typically operated during the school year. All program requirements remain the same. Reimbursements for the meals served remain the same. If interested in extending your NSLP and/or SBP, please contact the School Nutrition Team by emailing or 608-267-9228.
  2. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP): Provides funding resources to schools who wish to serve FREE meals to ALL children, those who may be attending summer school as well as other children in the community. Schools that have 50% or more of their children eligible for free and reduced price meals during the regular school year or are located within a census area that qualifies (area eligible) are able to participate in this program. For more information, visit What is the SFSP?
  3. Seamless Summer Option (SSO): Allows you to serve FREE meals to ALL children (same as the SFSP) attending summer school as well as other children in the community during the summer months. The eligibility for this program is the same as the SFSP. Reimbursement is based on the free meal rate for the NSLP and SBP. For more information, please email

Summer EBT is an income-based program that helps eligible families buy food for their children during the summer. Families will get $120 in benefits for each child who qualifies. Families can use these benefits anywhere that FoodShare benefits are accepted, like most grocery stores, many convenience stores, and some farmer’s markets. Most eligible families will get these benefits automatically, but some households will need to apply. This new program is available in addition to free meals that kids of all ages can get at summer meal sites in their communities. 

For a detailed review of each of the options, please review the Summer Meal Programs Comparison Chart.

For questions about this information, contact Amy Kolano (608) 266-7124