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Celebrate Summer

Turnip the Beet Awards - 2023 - Winners Announced!

The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding summer meal program sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months. This year, 140 sponsors qualified for either a gold, silver, or bronze Turnip the Beet award. Congratulations to all! For more information visit the Turnip the Beet Website

Wisconsin 2023 Award Winners
Gold Winners
• De Pere School Nutrition
• La Crosse Area Family YMCA
• North Crawford School District
• Stevens Point Area Public School District
Bronze Winner
• Green Bay Area Public Schools

Turnip the Beet! High Quality Summer Meals Award 2024

Apply by September 13, 2024!

Summer meals are critical in the lives of millions of our nation’s youth, whose risk for food insecurity increases during the summer months when they no longer have access to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program. Summer meal programs, including the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) within the NSLP, present the opportunity to help alleviate summertime food insecurity and positively impact children’s growth and development by offering nutritious meals and encouraging children to develop healthy habits at a young age. High quality summer meals provide daily energy, and help make sure children are healthy and ready to learn when they return to school in the fall. The Turnip the Beet Award was created to showcase sponsors who are going above and beyond to ensure that children in their care are receiving high-quality meals that are both nutritious and appetizing.

Celebrate Cucumber Crunch

WI Cucumber Crunch LogoCelebrate summer by participating in the Cucumber Crunch! This is a simple, celebratory event to promote local foods and farm to summer. Pick any date this summer and have staff and children crunch into local cucumbers. If cucumbers are not available during your summer programming, choose another local, in-season fruit or vegetable to crunch!.


Event Details

Cucumber Crunch Factsheet

Cucumber Press Release




Local Sourcing Information: utilize the resources below to locate local farmers/producers who may be able to source for your Crunch.

Recipes All recipes are scaled to serve approximately 50 students.

Promotion Share photos and videos of your Crunch in the following ways:

  • Advertise your event on social media, using the following hashtags: #WICucumberCrunch #SummerMeals
  • Send photos and videos of your Crunch to
  • Producer Highlight Poster: Utilize this poster to share details about the farmer who supplied the local cucumbers or in-season produce for your event. Email to request printed copies of the poster.

Resources for Producers


Summer Meals Week - June 17-21, 2024

This week is Summer Meals Week, an important time to emphasize the Department of Public Instruction’s commitment to ensure children and teens have access to safe, nutritious meals when school lets out. Through the Summer Food Service Program, federal assistance is provided for state agencies and non-profit sponsors to help children in eligible high-need areas get the proper nutrition they need during the summer when schools are not in session.

Below are links to the proclamations from Governor Tony Evers and State Superintendent Jill Underly recognizing June 17 -21, 2024, as Summer Meals Week. These proclamations acknowledge the significant contributions of programs that provide nutritious and well-balanced meals and snacks as part of the Summer Meal programs.

Governor’s Proclamation 

State Superintendent Proclamation

For questions about this information, contact Amy Kolano (608) 266-7124