Dual Enrollment in Wisconsin
Dual enrollment includes a variety of programs through which high school students are enrolled simultaneously in both high school and college to earn both high school and college credit. Such programs make college more affordable for families and introduce students to higher level coursework before they immerse themselves in college life. Learn more about dual enrollment through this short video.
Wisconsin currently offers courses through the Early College Credit Program. The program allows Wisconsin public and private high school students to take one or more courses at an institution of higher education for high school and/or college credit. For a detailed understanding of the new program, please review the Early College Credit Program and Start College Now webpages.
To see the dual enrollment definitions used for school district career data reporting, go to Dual Enrollment Programs.
Wisconsin Dual Enrollment Series
These three slide decks are a great resource for new school counselors or other educators to learn more about dual enrollment!
Helping Students Become College and Career Ready
At the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, our vision is “Every Child a Graduate, College and Career Ready.” Dual enrollment can help students prepare for the rigor of college courses as they develop technical skills for a multitude of careers. Research shows that students who participate in dual enrollment programs are more likely to:
- Earn higher grades in high school
- Graduate from high school
- Enroll in postsecondary education
- Earn a postsecondary degree
This makes dual enrollment in Wisconsin an important part of college and career readiness in efforts such as: