High Quality Instruction means curricula, teaching practices, and learning environments are standards-based, evidence-based, engaging, differentiated, culturally responsive, and data-driven.
Defining Elements
- Instruction is based on academic standards, behavioral expectations, and social and emotional competencies valued by the community and that lead to college and career readiness
- Academic, behavioral, social, and emotional curriculum are rigorous, relevant and aligned to values and standards
- Teaching practices use high leverage evidence based and agreed upon instructional frameworks that develop learners’ academic, behavioral, social, and emotional knowledge, skills, and habits
- Teaching strategies are differentiated, universally designed, and culturally responsive
- Instruction is delivered in well-managed settings where learners feel safe, supported and proud to be themselves
- Learner identities are positively represented in curricular materials and throughout the physical environment
- Messages of high expectations and care for each learner are conveyed
- Instruction is designed and delivered with understanding of and respect for the beliefs, practices, and experiences of learners and families
- Learners’ success in mainstream society is achieved while sustaining learner identities, culture, and language
- Delivery of instruction is supported through professional learning and coaching
- Effectiveness of instruction is regularly reviewed through learner outcome and system implementation data at each level of support and adjusted as needed
Key System Feature Resources
- High Quality Instruction: Wisconsin RtI Center
- Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
- Social and Emotional Learning Competencies
- Universal Design for Learning
- Literacy and Mathematics standards and instruction
- Literacy Classroom Instructional Practices Bank
- Reviewing Universal Reading Instruction
- Reviewing Universal Mathematics Instruction
- Toolkit for Gifted Education