The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), enacted December 21, 2000, requires recipients of federal technology funds to comply with certain Internet filtering and policy requirements. To receive E-Rate funding for Category One Internet access and all Category Two services, you must certify as part of FCC Form 486 that your institution is in compliance with the requirements of CIPA.
Many school districts lend mobile devices (e.g., Chromebooks, iPads, etc.) to students to access the Internet at home or other off-campus locations. The FCC’s Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Order (para. 111) states that CIPA compliance is triggered by ownership of a device, not the location where the device is used. All school owned computers must be filtered, regardless of whether used on or off campus.
Note: In the certifications section of the Form 486, Block 4 number 11 (c), a CIPA compliance exception is made for recipients receiving discount services only for telecommunications services (i.e. transport/circuit only).
Although school districts and libraries are required to filter in order to receive E-Rate funding, filtering appliances themselves are not eligible for funding.
For more information about complying with CIPA requirements, please visit these links.