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TEACH Network

Reduced Broadband Costs via the TEACH Network

TEACH (Technology for Educational Achievement) provides subsidized broadband circuits to schools and libraries in Wisconsin. Here is an overview of TEACH Network services related to E-Rate.

Broadband Circuits

The Wisconsin Department of Administration TEACH Program provides subsidized Category One broadband circuits to participating schools and libraries via the TEACH Network. 

The amount that TEACH pays for TEACH Network circuits is significantly higher than the amount it charges schools and libraries. TEACH customers do not have to file a Form 470 or Form 471 for E-Rate for their TEACH broadband circuit, because TEACH files on their behalf.

Schools and libraries are charged the following rates for their broadband circuits: 

100 Mbps or less: $100/month
1 Gbps or more: $250/month

Internet Access

The state has contracted with three internet service providers to serve TEACH customers on the TEACH Network: AT&T, Lumen, and WiscNet. Customers who choose one of these providers do not need to file a Form 470 for internet service, but they do have to file a Form 471 annually to request an E-Rate discount on their internet service. 

Customers who seek other options for internet service can file a Form 470 to solicit bids. TEACH must confirm that alternative providers are able to provide service on the TEACH Network. These customers must also file a Form 471 for internet service on the TEACH Network.

The authoritative source of information on TEACH Wisconsin programs is the TEACH website.


For questions about this information, contact Bill Herman , Rachel Schemelin (608) 266-5190