USDA Food Distribution Regulations and Policy Memos
These resources are developed by USDA to ensure compliance with all relevant federal laws, executive orders, directives, and policies. Regulations and policy memos offer guidance and clarifications for State Distributing Agencies (SDAs), Recipient Agencies (RAs)/School Food Authorties (SFAs), Processors/Manufacturers, and other stakeholders.
7 CFR Part 250 - Donation of Foods for Use in the United States, Its Territories and Possessions and Areas Under Its Jurisdiction
General Policy Memos
2021-22 National School Lunch Program USDA Foods Entitlement Calculations FNS-GD-2021-0006
2020-21 National School Lunch Program USDA Foods Entitlement Calculations FNS-GD-2020-0092
Shipment and Receipt of USDA Foods, FNS Instruction 709-5 Rev. 4 (April 9, 2024) - This instruction is for organizations receiving direct ship. For Wisconsin NSLP, only the state contracted warehouses and Milwaukee Public School receive direct ship.
Donated Food Storage, Distribution, and Product Dating, FD-107 (November 21, 2017)
Questions and Answers about Disaster Policies and Procedures Revised, FD-093 (December 9, 2016)
Value of USDA Donated Foods for Audits, FD-104 (December 2, 2016)
Clarification of State Agency Review Requirements for Donated Foods in the National School Lunch Program, FD-089 (May 21, 2009)
Direct Diversion Policy Memos
- Final Rule for Processing, Revisions and Clarifications in Requirements for the Processing of Donated Foods, 5/1/2018
- Soliciting Bids from Commercial Distributors for End Products SP 19-2012, USDA, 02/24/2012
- Sale of End Products through Commercial Distributors Indirect Discount and Net Off Invoice, FD-007, 12/30/2011
- Substitution of Donated Foods in Advance of Purchase and Negative Inventories, FD-122, 5/30/2012
- Substitution and Valuation of USDA Cheese, FD-049, 11/20/2011
- Inventory Draw Down in USDA Foods Processing (Revised), FD-40, 7/16/2021
- Management of USDA Food Inventories at Processors, FD-064, 4/2/2019
Wisconsin USDA Foods Policies and Procedures