- USDA Foods Recall Procedure for Wisconsin Recipient Agencies
- USDA - Food Safety and Inspection Service Food Recalls
- Talking Points on USDA and School Meal Safety
- Food Safety HACCP Guidance
- Food Safety During Power Outage
- Hold and Recall Notification via State Emergency Notification System (SENS)
- White Listing SENS Send Word Now - Work with your Information Technology (IT) Department to make sure email is not blocked or sent to a junk email folder. Please provide your IT staff these instructions on how to “White List” our incoming email from being treated as spam.
- How to respond to food safety email notification
As the Department of Public Instruction is not directly involved in procurement of schools' commercial purchases, we may not always receive the details and information necessary to notify schools and/or monitor commercial product recalls. The best way for schools to obtain this information is to receive email notifications regarding food recalls. Schools can sign up for free email updates through this website: www.recalls.gov or keep track of non-USDA Food products (commercially purchased) via the FoodSafety.gov website widget.
For questions about this information, contact Antonio Ante (608) 267-4599