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CTE April 2018 NCES Report

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Look at Career and Technical Education Programs in Public School Districts: 2016–17 (published April 2018)

Key Findings based on the 98 percent of public school districts that offered CTE programs to students at the high school level in the 2016–17 school year:

  • Districts reported that the following entities provided the CTE programs that the district offered: the district individually (77 percent of districts), area/ regional CTE centers or a group/consortium of school districts (54 percent of districts), 2-year community or technical colleges (46 percent of districts), and 4-year colleges or universities (11 percent of districts).
  • Seventy-three percent of districts offered CTE courses for which students could earn both high school and postsecondary credit; 61 percent offered CTE courses in which students could earn high school credits in math, science, English/language arts, or social studies; and 30 percent offered online CTE courses, including blended/hybrid courses.
  • Districts reported that the following were large or very large barriers to the district in offering CTE programs to high school students: lack of funding or high cost of programs (50 percent of districts), finding or keeping teachers for in-demand industries and occupations (44 percent of districts), and facilities or space limitations (43 percent of districts).
  • Eleven additional selected findings are referenced on printed pages 2 and 3 of the full report linked below.

This National Center for Educational Statistics report is based on the 2016–17 survey Career and Technical Education Programs in Public School Districts and provides nationally representative data on career and technical education (CTE) programs. The survey defines a CTE program as a sequence of courses at the high school level that provides students with the academic and technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions.  View the full Career and Technical Education Programs in Public School Districts: 2016–17 report.

For additional information about Career & Technical Education programs in Wisconsin visit the Department of Public Instruction website.