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Keyboarding at the Elementary Level

Guidance for Wisconsin Districts

As the Wisconsin State Standards for English/Language Arts outline keyboarding proficiency and the Forward Assessment requires a certain level of skill, it is more important than ever that conversation occurs at the district level regarding keyboarding instruction and assessment.

Production & Distribution of Writing

Grade 3 students (W.3.6):
With guidance and support from adults and peers, use digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Learn to produce writing through printing, cursive, and/or typing.

Grade 4 students (W.4.6):
With some guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Learn to produce writing through printing, cursive, and/or typing (with sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting).

Grade 5 students (W.5.6):
With some guidance and support from adults, they intentionally select a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Proficiently produce writing through printing, cursive, and/or typing (with sufficient comman of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting).

Wisconsin Forward Exam

The Forward Exam is a computer administered assessment and includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and a writing prompt in the ELA section. View the Forward Exam FAQ information for additional clarification on keyboarding requirements.

Who can teach keyboarding in WI?

Keyboarding taught in the 7-12 grades must be taught by a licensed business education teacher (1250 or 1251) OR a business education teacher with a specific license for keyboarding (previously typewriting) (265).

Keyboarding taught in grades lower than 7th grade must be taught under one of the following options:

  • a business education teacher licensed for K-12
  • a licensed elementary teacher instructing their own students
  • a team consisting of a business education teacher licensed for grades 7-12 and the classroom teacher

If a business teacher is team teaching with the elementary classroom teacher, no additional license is required.

How fast should kids type?

As a general rule, keyboarding speeds should be measured as “5 words per minute (wpm) x grade level”. Therefore, a student in third grade should have a goal of at least 15 words per minute.

Gaining pedagogy on HOW to teach keyboarding

  • Team teach with a Business and Information Technology educator
  • Utilize current district Business and Information Technology staff for in-service or professional development
  • Work with a Business and Information Technology educator from another district to provide regional in-service or professional development
  • Take skill coursework from a local technical college
  • Take pedagogy coursework from a university (summer offerings are currently being developed)

Integrated keyboarding instruction strategies

  • Set aside a regular time for keyboarding (ideally 15 to 30 minutes/day for five to six weeks), THEN:
  • USE these techniques while in front of any computer
  • Have students type their social studies assignment or spelling words for the week
  • Include a five minute "warm-up" using a keyboarding game before "getting down to keying in a paper"
  • Have students compose A to Z lists (ie. Animals, girls names, etc.)
  • Rotate and develop stories from "Story Starters…"