- Who can teach a Marketing course?
- Who can teach an Entrepreneurship course?
- Who can teach keyboarding?
- Who can teach web design?
- Who can teach computer programming?
- Where do I locate Youth Apprenticeship and Coop Certificate Program Information?
- Who can teach a Personal Financial Literacy course?
- How do I start a Business Education Honor Society?
- How do I obtain an experience-based license in career and technical education?
Q: Who can teach a Marketing course?
A: Both Wisconsin Standards for Marketing Education and Wisconsin Standards for Business Education include strands for marketing. Wisconsin Standards for Marketing Education include more breadth and depth in this area than those offered in the Wisconsin Standards for Business Education. Whenever a school district is looking for the appropriate educator license for a particular course, we refer the district to the Wisconsin Standards on which the course is aligned. The standards and, therefore, the curriculum determine the necessary licensure.
For Example: A course titled Introduction or Exploring Business and Marketing may be aligned to either set of standards and would be appropriately taught by a business or marketing educator. Marketing, as an introductory course, may be taught by either a business or marketing licensed teacher, depending on the standards alignment. A course titled, Marketing I (assuming a coherent sequence of courses), aligned to Marketing standards, would appropriately be taught by a marketing education teacher.
NOTE: Please be advised that it is impossible in all cases to determine the appropriate licensure from a course title. Each district must evaluate all local information to determine the correct licensure for each course.
Q: Who can teach an Entrepreneurship course?
A: Entrepreneurship concepts are taught in many areas of the curriculum through Career and Technical Education and in academic coursework. However, a stand-alone entrepreneurship class can be taught by either a business- OR marketing-licensed teacher.
Q: Who can teach keyboarding?
A: Keyboarding taught in grades 7 through 12 must be taught by a licensed business education teacher (1250 or 1251) OR a business education teacher with a specific license for keyboarding (previously typewriting) (265).
Keyboarding taught in grades lower than grade 7 must be taught under one of the following options:
- A business education teacher licensed for K-12
- A licensed elementary teacher instructing their own students
- A team consisting of a business education teacher licensed for grades 7-12 and the classroom teacher
If a business teacher is team teaching with the elementary classroom teacher, no additional license is required.
Q: Who can teach web design?
A: If web design is part of the business curriculum, it should be taught by the business teacher. If web design is part of an art curriculum, it should be taught by an art teacher. According to DPI licensing, web page production can be taught by art, business education, or technology education teachers (depends on credit given). If called an "elective," licensing asks (1) who--department--is developing the course and (2) which content area standards (strands) are used in developing the course.
Q: Who can teach computer programming?
A: A computer science (405) license is required to teach advanced level computer science courses.
- Please refer to the What Can I teach with my License for Computer Science webpage for more information.
Q: Where do I locate Youth Apprenticeship and Co-op Certificate Program Information?
A: The Youth Apprenticeship Program in Wisconsin is administered by the Department of Workforce Development (DWD). Information on these programs can be found on the DWD Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship webpage.
Co-op Skill Standards Certificates in all CTE disciplines, Employability Skills, and Leadership are administered by the CTE Team at DPI on the Work Based Learning webpage.
Q: Who can teach a Personal Financial Literacy course?
A: The answer to this question depends on the personal financial literacy standards adopted by the school district. If the district adopted the Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy and the course is built using these standards, then teachers holding one of the following licenses are qualified to teach a stand-alone PFL course:
- Business Education (250 or 251)
- Family and Consumer Science (210)
- Social Studies including the new (2700) and social studies licenses prior to the repeal and recreation of PI 34 in 2018 (1710 - economics, 1701 – broadfield social studies, and 1700 – social studies)
If the school board does not adopt the Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy, or for more information on licensing, including options available to members of the public interested in teaching PFL, go to the PFL FAQ page or see this licensing bulletin.
Q: How do I start a Business Education Honor Society?
A: Information can be found at the National Business Honor Society website.
Another option is the National Technical Honor Society. This Honor Society can be used to develop a collaborative model with all CTSOs in a school.
Q: How do I obtain an experience-based license in career and technical education?
A: The Experience-based Technical and Vocational Education Subjects License is an option for people who:
- Are being supported by a Wisconsin public school district to teach technical or vocational education in their school.
- Have training or experience in a technical or vocational field or trade, as well as some training in how to teach (pedagogy).
Qualification for this license is based on a system of points. Go to the application directions for more about the process, or for more information about eligibility, see the Experience-based Technical and Vocational Education Subjects under the School District Support Licenses Pathway and read the Vocational Subjects and Technical Education Subjects Crosswalk.