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4KCA Impact


Early childhood advocates consider the community approach (CA) the most logical, effective way to provide universal four-year-old kindergarten (4K). 4KCA relies on a comprehensive public-private partnership effort, sometimes called a “school-community interface.”

Working together, a broad range of local early childhood players – as many as possible – forge a common approach to a common goal: the emotional, educational, societal, and physical well-being of children. Education and care are seen as two sides of the same coin. Through collaboration, 4KCA achieves more than the individual agencies acting independently.

Benefits of the Community Approach to...

Benefits to Children Benefits to Families 4KCA Education Programs Benefits to School Districts Benefits to the Public

Lessons Learned from 4K Community Approaches

54 Reasons to Implement the 4K Community Approach

Stories that Highlight the Unique Benefits of the 4K Community Approach

Please share your own story!

 Happy children attend Hortonville School District's 4K program using Community Approaches!

 Onalaska School District has documented the benefits of 4K Community Approaches

 Learn about Chippewa Falls' "Building Bridges for Children" (BB4C) program for Community Approaches

 Berlin School District describes the benefits of its 4K Community Approach program

 Learn about great partnerships between the School District of Waukesha and a dozen community Head Start and child care partners

For questions about this information, contact Sherry Kimball (608) 267-9625