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Early Learning

Early Learning

The DPI early learning support is housed in the Literacy and Mathematics Team in the Division for Academic Excellence. It works collaboratively across DPI divisions, other state departments, local and regional communities to bring cohesiveness to programs associated with early learning. 

The DPI Early Childhood Consultant provides leadership, partnership, policy development, and technical assistance to the early childhood community for children birth to age eight throughout Wisconsin.

Guiding Principles

The Principles of the DPI's focus on Early Learning align with the mission of the Wisconsin Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory CouncilThe mission of the Council is to help ensure that all children and families in Wisconsin have access to quality early childhood programs and services.

  • Children:  Our primary focus is on the best interests of Wisconsin’s children, whose early years are crucial to their success.
  • Families/Parents/Caregivers: Families the key decision makers, teachers, and advocates for their children.
  • Communities: Communities must provide integrated quality services to ensure children’s access to quality education, physical and mental health services, and family support.
  • Systems: Public, private, and government entities share the responsibility for implementing comprehensive systems.
  • Professional Development: Quality professional development opportunities support a skilled and stable workforce.
  • Financing: Adequate and equitable financing, derived from multiple funding sources, supports comprehensive and continuous early childhood services.
  • Public Policy: Wisconsin public policy should support blended funding streams and quality initiatives to create comprehensive systems.
For questions about this information, contact Sherry W. Kimball (608) 267-9625