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Early Childhood Learning Standards and Practices

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards


Standards Cover

The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards have been developed by the Wisconsin state departments of Public Instruction, Children and Families, and Health Services. They reflect shared values and commitments of the citizens of Wisconsin to prepare young children for success in school.  They are based upon research conducted into all aspects of children's early learning and development, from birth to the start of first grade. They encompass guiding principles, developmental expectations, and performance and program standards for delivery of high-quality education and care to young children.

To ensure a holistic approach to creating positive early childhood environments, they include a broad description of children's growth and include the following domains of development:
Health and Physical, Social and Emotional, Language and Communication (including early literacy), Approaches to Learning, and Cognition (including mathematical and scientific thinking) and General Knowledge. 
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards book is available electronically in English and Spanish and may be ordered online at DPI Publication Sales.

Wisconsin Academic Standards

Standards Relationship Process

Wisconsin Academic Standards specify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom. They serve as goals for teaching and learning.

Setting high standards enables students, parents, educators, and citizens to know what students should have learned at a given point in time.

In Wisconsin, all state standards serve as a model. Locally elected school boards adopt academic standards in each subject area to best serve their local community.

Alignment Information

To promote effective implementation of the standards, the WI Model Early Learning Standards have been aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF). Alignment information can be located at: Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners-Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards: Resources
For questions about this information, contact Sherry Kimball (608) 267-9625