Locating Continuing Education Training, Workshops, and Conferences
Around Wisconsin, there are many excellent opportunities for training related to working with young children and their families. Whether you are a child care provider, Head Start teacher, special educator, early interventionist, elementary school teacher, or parent educator, there is a training opportunity for you!
- The Registry is the statewide and profession-wide web calendar and training clearinghouse for anyone in the field of child care and education in Wisconsin. From the The Registry website, events and trainings may be sorted according to area of the state, date, topic, sponsor, or presenter. If you are looking for trainings to attend, you will be able to create a personalized calendar or training "shopping cart" by selecting only those events in which you are interested.
- Department of Public Instruction Calendar: Lists events and trainings of interest to prekindergarten through high school personnel.
For questions about this information, contact Sherry W. Kimball (608) 267-9625