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Head Start in Wisconsin

Head Start/Early Head Start Federal Program Overview:

Head Start/Early Head Start are federal programs for children under the age of 5 from low-income families. The Office of Head Start, through the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Administration for Children and Families, manages grant funding and oversees local (state) agencies/programming. 

In Wisconsin, non-profit organizations, schools, community action commissions or other local grantees operate the programs. Children and families who participate engage in a variety of educational  and health activities. Parents/caregivers are partners in the programs and have a wide array of social services available as needed. In Wisconsin most communities are served, at least in part, by Head Start programs. Several communities in Wisconsin als provide Early Head Start programming. Federal funds flow directly to state Head Start/Early Head Start programs.

For specific questions or additional information about federal Head Start/Early Head Start Programming in Wisconsin please contact:  

Jillian Clemens, Head Start Collaboration Office Director:  


The Wisconsin Head Start Association, 608-275-3722