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Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners


Mission: All children will be healthy, nurtured, safe and successful.


Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP) was started in 1994 and focuses on collaboration among diverse early childhood partners and exists now as a 'braided' funding effort among three state agencies:

Through the years, braided funding has supported interrelated efforts, services, and supports to strengthen early care and education throughout Wisconsin. It has addressed a continuum of needs through the provision of regional technical assistance, professional development, supporting statewide grant initiatives (Race to the Top, Preschool Development Grant, etc.), developing statewide guidance documents (Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, Core Competencies, etc.), the management of the WECCP website, and other activities.

To learn more about WECCP and it's associated resources please visit the WECCP Website (

For questions about this information, contact Sherry W. Kimball (608) 267-9625