A Community Approach to 4 year old kindergarten allows families options in providing quality care and education, regardless of ability or family income.
Click on the 4KCA benefit below to read excerpts from …. Bob Kann’s Report “54 Benefits…” and to see the results of our survey of community councils sharing the impact 4KCA has had in their community.
- Increased likelihood that children of working parents can attend 4K.
- Opportunity to select the 4K program that best fits their family.
- Decreases stress for families.
- Increased likelihood that all young siblings are in same location.
- More comfort in sending children to a community based program.
- More comfort in sending children to a familiar location.
- More options for families of children with special needs.
- Increased opportunity to see their child with special needs succeed in an inclusive environment.
- A variety of financial benefits
- Increased understanding of child development.
- Increased knowledge of and participation in community programs and resources.
- Provides recreational opportunities they otherwise would not have.
- Increased contact with ELL teachers.
- Opportunity to merge Head Start, Special Education, and 4K services into one program.
12. Having 4K and early childhood programs in the same location increases the likelihood that a child of working parents can attend four-year-old kindergarten.
Colleen Witthuhn, Director of Early Learning Programs at Racine Unified School District, talks about the benefits to working families, and Sarah Dill, from Meeting House in Madison, describes more benefits of 4KCA.
Dana Sommerfeld, Director of State and Federal Programs for the Chippewa Falls School District, explains,
13. The 4K Community Approach program offers families the opportunity to select the 4K program location and schedule that best meets their family’s needs.
Marcia Flaherty, Dana Sommerfeld, and Sarah Dill, talk about how 4KCA has helped programs best meet the needs of families in the Manitowoc, Chippewa Falls, and Madison communities.
The 4K Community Approach program provides parents with the widest variety of options of where to send their child for 4 year old kindergarten. For some parents, the program’s proximity to home is the compelling factor guiding that choice. For others, it might be a program that is close to their workplace or offers the hours of care needed by the parents. Some parents choose not to send their four-year-old to their local public school simply because it is too far from their home to meet their needs.
Belinda Grantham, Director of Early Education for the Kenosha Public Schools describes several of the benefits resulting from the choice afforded by the 4K Community Approach,
Deborah Shimanek, Principal and 4K Collaborative Site Coordinator for the Manitowoc Public School District, shares a story about a particular child who received necessary services because his parents were able to choose a 4K program near their home,
Belinda Grantham, Director of Early Education, Kenosha Public Schools, said,
14. Having 4K and early childhood programs in the same location reduces the stress for parents who are both working and caring for a young child.
Tammy Zielsdorf, Director of Kenosha’s Just Kid Inn Child Care Center, explains,
Belinda Grantham, Director of Early Education, Kenosha Public Schools, said,
15. Parents with more than one child under the age of 5 can have all of their preschool children in the same location.
16. Parents who were hesitant to send their child to 4K in the public schools are more comfortable sending their child to a community-based program.
Sarah Dill, Executive Director at the Meeting House Nursery School in Madison, describes a benefit of 4KCA to families.
Sometimes parents feel uncomfortable sending their young children into public schools. This may be the result of negative experiences the parents had in schools when they were children, fears of placing their children in a setting with hundreds of other children, apprehensions about mixing their young children with older children, or a variety of other reasons. The choices provided by the 4K Community Approach program enable parents who have reservations about sending their four-year-old into a school setting to instead send their child into a community setting.
Deborah Shimanek, Principal and 4K Site Coordinator for the Manitowoc Public School District, describes the benefit of the community option for the family,
17. It is more reassuring for parents who have previously had their child in an early childhood program to now utilize 4K in the same learning environment
18. Families who might not have been able to find a child care program to accept their child with special needs now have access to full-time care at a community child care program.
In Manitowoc, the school district is so committed to making sure the needs of children with special needs are met that they reserve three-to-five slots for children with special needs at their Salvation Army 4K program site. If parents of children with special needs required wraparound care for their child, it is now guaranteed that there will be space available in the Salvation Army program. Moreover, this means that their child will have the opportunity to be in a classroom with peers, most of whom will not have special needs.
Lori Brandt, a special education teacher with the Manitowoc Public Schools, describes the initial trepidation felt by many parents of children with special needs as they considered sending their child into a 4K program and their elation when they found out how well it worked for their child and family,“In terms of children with special needs, it was surprising to me how many parents wondered if their child would really be able to be a part of a 4K classroom out in the community. I think they figured their kids would only be able to be with other kids with disabilities or they thought there would be a lot more special education support if they sent their child to Riverview School {the public school}. I think they needed reassurance at first that their child would do fine and that they would make friends. When they saw that happening, they were surprised and in some cases expressed their pleasure at parent-teacher conferences saying, ’Wow, I can also have my child in wraparound childcare and actually work at my job or get a job.’”
Virginia Brydges, Director of Every Child’s Place Child Care Center in Kenosha, explains,
19. Parents of children with special needs benefit from learning that their child can successfully function in an inclusive 4K program in a community setting.
Virginia Brydges, Director of Every Child’s Place Child Care Center in Kenosha, describes how parents of children with special needs get to see their children succeed because wraparound care means that their children can flourish when they can remain in one community setting for a longer period of time than just the three hours daily instruction provided for four-year-old kindergarten,
and I think having them in that community setting for a longer period of time than just the three hours of 4K really fosters all of that development. Their parents are able to see that their child is able to conform and follow routines and make friends.”
20. The 4K Community Approach program can provide financial benefits to families.
Sarah Dill, Executive Director at the Meeting House Nursery School in Madison, describes a benefit of 4KCA to families.
Since four-year-old kindergarten is typically a 4 day per week program for approximately 12 hours per week, the 4K Community Approach may provide more opportunities for parents who can not afford but would like their child to attend a program for more hours. Some Child Care and Early Childhood Education Programs provide scholarships so that the child can stay at their site when the 4K program is not in session. Programs might reduce the full-day rate for children who are in 4K and need additional care..
Parents can also save on transportation costs by having the school transport their child to-or-from 4K and they can combine this with wraparound care services. For example, a child potentially can be picked up at home by the district school bus in the morning and transported to a 4K program. The child can remain in the same venue for an after-school child care program and the parents can pick up their child at the end of the day. Whereas the parent previously would have had to transport the child both to-and-from the child care venue, they now only have to drive once daily. This is particularly valuable for parents who live in rural areas and have to travel considerable distances to transport their child to-or-from the 4K/child care site.Return to top
21. The 4K Community Approach increases parents’ knowledge of child development and their understanding of their own child.
Natasha Harris, Associate Principal at Racine Unified School Districts, talks about benefits of 4KCA to parents.
In some of 4K Community Approach programs, teachers send parents daily reports regarding what their child did during the day and any other observations the teacher chooses to share. Sometimes they began this practice because the 4K program is housed in a facility in which the child care and early childhood education programs already were providing parents with a daily report and so the 4K teachers continued this practice. Not only does such communication help parents’ better understand what’s transpiring with their child, but it provides them with conversation topics to initiate with their child.
In addition, many of the community-based programs have specific requirements to provide parent-based education. In Chippewa Falls, for example, each community site is required to provide at least twenty hours of on-site parent education, and they send home a “continuous stream” of information for parents through their newsletters.Dana Sommerfeld, Director of State and Federal Programs, Chippewa Falls School District, describes how the 4K Community Approach program helps families understand child development,
22. The 4K Community Approach program increases opportunities for families to participate in community programs and their familiarity with community resources.
Heather Cramer, Early Learning Principal at Stevens Point Area School District, and John Schlender, Principal at Mayville School District, talk about opportunities families discover in their communities using 4KCA.
In Manitowoc, all families from the participating 4K sites throughout the city have been invited to a family night swim at the Riverview School, the 4K Community Approach program school site. Children and their parents also have ridden the school buses together to spend a day exploring the Rahr Memorial School Forest. Manitowoc’s 4K Community Approach program hosts a Family Activity Night at the YMCA, one of the 4K Community Approach program sites, where families use the facilities and parents learn different ways to play with their children and keep them active and moving. Families in any 4K program in Manitowoc also receive free day-passes to the YMCA as another way of extending this community resource to the families. YMCA CEO Steve Smith said he is seeing parents engaged in more physical activities with their children as a result of 4K Community Approach program. In other words, the 4K-CA program increases opportunities for 4K families to use both the facilities and resources of the schools and those of community venues connected to 4K Community Approach program.
23. In some community programs, the 4K Community Approach provides children and families with recreational opportunities they otherwise would not have.
All children who attend 4K at the YMCA receive free gymnastics and free swimming as part of their programming. Parents often exercise in the YMCA before or after picking up their children from the YMCA wraparound child care program. This gives the parents an opportunity to get their own health and well-being taken care of when they’re not working while simultaneously having the comfort of knowing their child is receiving quality care. All children in any of the 4K Community Approach programs in the city of Manitowoc get invited to family events at the YMCA, such as the Y’s Halloween celebration. The YMCA particularly tries to attract four-year-olds and their families for its New Year’s Eve celebration because of the bonds it’s forged with the 4K community. Hence, the entire city benefits from having a 4K program housed in the YMCA.
Steve Smith, the CEO of the YMCA, also describes how providing physical activities during the day for 4K children has potential benefits for their families,“…It’s also about giving those parents the opportunity to have those {physical fitness activities} covered during the day so the parent can then say, ‘The child’s already received that during the day. I don’t’ need to come back to the Y to do that again.’ So that helps out with the family time at home making sure they’re spending quality time with their children instead of worrying about ‘where is the next place I have to be.’”
24. Teachers and translators from the school district can work with English Language Learner (ELL) children and their parents in the community programs.
Deborah also gives another example of how the 4K Community Approach program benefited an ELL child,
“One Hispanic family- it was their first experience with schooling in our community. With the help of our translator going to the site and talking with the child and more importantly helping us communicate with the parents about our program, the little girl learned English fast. By the time she left 4K, she was almost fluent, and her parents went on some of the school forest trips so that they could experience some of the community resources outside of their home. It really did help that family to have faith and trust in the school system as well as get child to school on time, which we had struggled with at times. They saw the value of the education and the girl continues to have success in our system. The community sites would not have access to a translator without the 4K-CA program.”
25. The 4K Community Approach program allows communities to merge Head Start, Special Education services, and 4K into one program at multiple school sites.
Lynn Hammen, Director of Education at UW-Oshkosh, Mary Jo Hite, Director at Head Start, and Colleen Witthuhn, Director of Early Learning Programs at Racine Unified School District, share their thoughts on the benefits of 4KCA.
Belinda Grantham, the Director of Early Education for the KUSD explains,
“When it was mandated that we do 4K, we had five years to make it universal. We’re currently in our fifth year, and the part that makes it even more unique is that our Head Start grantee is the school district. This means that in our schools, we have integrated all of our programs. It used to be that Head Start was separate from special educations and separate from 4K. If you qualified for Head Start, you had to go wherever those services were provided. If you qualified for special education, you had to go wherever those services were provided, and if you qualified for 4K, you had to go wherever those special services were provided. What we’ve done because we will soon become universal is that you can go to your neighborhood school now and we will provide whatever services you need at that site. So the special education, the Head Start, and the 4K programs have become integrated, and that seems to be a little different from what the rest of the state is doing. The integration of the programs at the school sites is unique to Kenosha.”