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School, Library, and Community Engagement

With Gratitude

Many thanks to all of the schools who have reached out regarding the Wisconsin Arts Celebration Project celebrating the Wisconsin Arts Board's 50th Anniversary. Plans are well underway for a number of schools across the state to implement the lesson plans, poem, and music into their curricula. Below is a list of the schools that have notified me that they are or plan to incorporate this project into their classroom. Many thanks to these educators and students! Look over the resources found here and let me know if you have any questions. What better way to encourage creativity than through the arts while celebrating 50 years of the Wisconsin Arts Board!

Visual Art Classrooms

Adams-Friendship School District - Leah Keller, art educator
Baldwin Woodville Viking Middle School - Morgan Trunkel, art educator
Black River Falls High School - Jennifer Dahl, art educator
Janesville, Jackson Elementary School - Chelsea Brown, art educator
Milwaukee Ronald Reagan IB School - Chad Sperzel-Wuchterl, art educator
New Holstein High School - Susan Roepke, art educator
Northwestern Elementary School - Amy Mack, art educator
St. Thomas More High School - Jodi Brzezinski, art educator

Media Art Classrooms

New Holstein High School - Susan Roepke, art educator

Music Classrooms - "Like The Wind" by Erika Svanoe Planned Performances

Baldwin-Woodville High School Band & Choir - Amanda Arnold, Chandra Lamb, Eric Becker, Adam Bassak, music educators
Clintonville High School Choir - Leah Armstrong, music educator
Clintonville Middle & High School Bands - Kristine Heyer, music educator
Cudahy High School Band & Middle School Graphic Arts - Alex St. Louis, music educator
Durand-Arkansaw School Band - Andrew Smits, music educator
Elmbrook Middle School Music Department - Pilgrim Park MS & Wisconsin Hills MS - Amanda Patino, Alexis Ganos, Sarah Marman, Krista Witak, David Michels, and Michael Ruth, music educators
Juda High School Band - Aly Olson, music educator
Kaukauna High School Choir - Joy Paffenroth, music educator
Kaukauna High School Band - Jacob Martin, music educator
South Milwaukee High School Choir - Aimee Swanson, music educator
Upper St. Croix Valley Music Association Honors Band - Meredith Rhodes-Lundgren, Zach Prior, Jesse Frozene, Emily Fronzene, Art Aytay, Jonathan Broschk, Bryn Anderson, Eric Possehl, Alex Bates, & Julie Strang
Waterford Union High School Band - Rodger Luttio, music educator
Wausau West High School Band - Dan Emerson, music educator
Westby Area High School Band - Kory Dahlen, music educator

Theatre Classrooms

Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School - Sara Danke Lukaszewicz, theatre educator

Dance Classrooms

Madison Metropolitan School District - Chell Parkins, dance educator

Who What Examples        
Black River Falls High School - Jennifer Dahl, art educator Visual Art brf art brf art ​​brf art brf art See More Examples Here
Baldwin Woodville Viking Middle School - Morgan Trunkel, art educator Visual Art art art art art See More Examples Here
Ronald Reagan IB College Prep High School, Milwaukee - Chad Sperzel-Wuchterl Visual Art art arts saf asd See More Examples Here
Adams Elementary School Janesville - Amanda Zdrale, art educator Visual Art purple purple 2 Yellow color
See More Examples Here

"Like The Wind" by Erika Svanoe conducted by a student conductor at the Upper St. Croix Valley (WI) Music Association High School Honors Band 2024


"Like The Wind" by Erika Svanoe conducted by the composer at the Baldwin Woodville Festival Band Concert, Feb 26, 2024 - Eric Becker & Adam Bassak Music Educators


"Like The Wind" by Erika Svanoe conducted by the composer at the Baldwin Woodville Festival Choir Concert, Feb 26, 2024 - Chandra Lamb & Amanda Arnold, Music Educators


"Like The Wind" by Erika Svanoe performed by the Waterford Union HS Band, May 13, 2024 - Rodger Luttio, music educator


Kaukauna High School Wind Ensemble, directed by Kadin Yach, at the KHS Spring Concert on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, Mr. Jacob Martin Kaukauna High School Instrumental Music Educator

"Like The Wind" performed by Kaukauna High School Choir, directed by Joy Paffenroth

"Like The Wind" performed by Cudahy High School Band - Spring 2024, directed by Alex St. Louis