Theatre Education offers both individual and group development of skills and techniques. This art form provides access to multiple learning opportunities, often integrating demonstrations of knowledge through verbal, written, and physical means.

sufficient learning time is provided for the mastery of skills, techniques, and reflection of goals,
theatrical experiences are instructed by individuals with adequate training, and
broad in-depth learner experiences are encouraged by the school community.
New Academic Standards Adopted - Theatre 2018

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction went through a transparent and comprehensive process for reviewing and revising the academic standards in theatre. We are pleased to announce that the State Superintendent has decided to adopt the Wisconsin Standards for Theatre. Districts are free to consider the standards of their choosing in their work.
Thank you to the writing committee, stakeholders, educators, the State Superintendent's Standards Review Council, and members of the public for the feedback shared to inform this work. For more information about the standards and process, visit the links.
Here are links to resources describing the process.
Wisconsin Standards for Theatre- Full Set Adopted 12-10-18
Specific information about programming and curriculum design is available the publication, A Guide to Curriculum Planning in Classroom Drama and Theatre (1992). Districts are free to consider the standards of their choosing in their work.
AATE - American Alliance for Theatre and Education
EdTA - Educational Theatre Association
The Jerry Awards - Overture Center, Madison, WI
Theatre Contests including the WISDAA One-Act Play Contest
WISELearn Resources - Warehouse of resources submitted by and for educators. Visual and Performing Arts Resource link
ArtsEdge - Kennedy Center