The purpose of the Wisconsin Arts Education Data Project is to provide arts education data to support school community discussions of arts education programming, access, and opportunities for students in PreK-12th grade in Wisconsin.
About the Wisconsin Arts Education Data Project
The Wisconsin Arts Education Data Project highlights Wisconsin's arts education data story through an easy-to-use, interactive dashboard. The data provided through the dashboard is meant to foster school community conversations about arts education programming. The dashboard features arts content area coursework data from Wisconsin public schools from the 2020-2021 school year. This is the most recent data available and provides a picture of arts course enrollment for the content areas of art, dance, music, and theatre throughout Wisconsin. Site visitors are able to interact with the dashboard to see course enrollments for the specified years for each arts content areas. Please note that the current dashboard contains data for grades 9-12 only. Data for earlier grades is not available at this time.
Explore the Dashboard (Click on the image below to see the full page.)
The main partner for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WI DPI), Quadrant Research, has been an industry leader in displaying arts education data. They have partnered with the WI DPI in the past. In 2008, Quadrant Research and the WI DPI collaborated on the work, Arts Education in Wisconsin Public Schools. This survey described the state of arts education in 2008 and precludes the state’s Coursework Completion System (CWCS), as well as the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). The SLDS provides the data for the 2018 Wisconsin Arts Education Data Project. The current dashboard provides various grain sizes for the viewer to see - from state to district to school- utilizing arts course and enrollment data to paint a picture of arts education opportunities across Wisconsin. There are additional key arts partners who have informed this work. They include the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education, Wisconsin Arts Board, and Create Wisconsin.
Arts Education Data Project - Website
There are several other states involved in similar projects under the care and direction of both Quadrant Research and SEADAE. Visit the project website to learn more about how each participating state is moving forward with arts education data. Arts Education Data Project Website
Project Support
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is interested in your feedback about this tool. Please share your ideas for improvements and use by emailing Chris Gleason, Fine Arts and Creativity Education Consultant, at christopher.gleason@dpi.wi.gov.
Who Uses Student Data? (Most personal student information stays local. Districts, states, and the federal government all collect data about students for important purposes like informing instruction and providing information to the public. But the type of data collected, and who can access them, is different at each point. From schools to the U.S. Department of Education, see how student data are—and are not—accessed and used.)