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Student Artwork On Display At DPI

call for art
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is proud to announce a new project that will annually collect high quality digital images of student artwork from across the state. Up to 50 Images will be selected by a panel to be displayed on the Arts & Creativity page of the DPI Website. 


Click HERE to visit our online gallery!

  • Entries are open to all K-12 aged students in Wisconsin.
  • Each art educator can submit up to 5 works of art from their school’s current work.
  • No group pieces please. All artwork must be created by one individual student within the current school year. Only one artwork per student may be submitted.
  • Artwork MUST be from the artist’s own imagery, concept, and planning. Images that are of CELEBRITY, from DIRECT INTERNET SEARCHES or other imagery that is NOT THE ARTIST'S OWN REFERENCE cannot be entered as it is or may borderline plagiarism.
  • Only high quality digital images can be submitted - no originals are to be sent to DPI. The images should be cropped and print ready per the format guidelines below. The digital images can be of any 2-D or 3-D art (Digital drawing/painting, photography or photos of your student’s paintings or sculptures).
  • The submission form below will require a Media Permission Slip to be completed by the artist’s caregivers and uploaded as a PDF at the same time as the digital artwork file. Artwork submitted without this permission slip will not be considered. Students and caregivers will not receive compensation and allow DPI to use images of the artwork online and in the media.
  • To be considered for this year, artwork and accompanying information must be submitted no later than TBD
Images should be submitted as high quality JPEG or PNG files. Scanning the artwork is also acceptable. Here are some suggestions on how to capture a good photo of the art:
  • Use the best camera you can find. Phone cameras are improving, but if you can use a DSLR camera use that!
  • Remove artwork from behind glass.
  • Be sure the camera is pointed parallel to the painting/artwork.
  • Capture an inch outside the canvas/painting. By doing this it gives you a little room to crop your image just in case there was an error.
  • Turn off the in-camera flash. When you do this it will avoid any extra glare coming from your camera.
  • Take lots of extra shots of each piece and remember to refocus the lens! This will ensure that you have backup pictures to use just in case your main shots don’t work out.
  • You don't need the best lights for photographing your artwork. Sunlight is the best light source you can use since it contains the full color spectrum.
  • 3-D works should be photographed in front of a neutral background
  • Please do not add titles or other information onto the submitted images such as watermarks.
  • Name digital images in this manner: School__Student’s First Name__Title of Artwork
A panel of art educators and professors will select pieces to be printed, framed, and put on display at DPI as well as online on the DPI Arts & Creativity website. Selection will be based on composition, skill/technique, student voice, and craftsmanship as found on this rubric.
  • Each art educator can submit up to 5 works using a form to appear here in the future.
  • The deadline to submit images for the 25-26 school year is TBD.
  • Art Educators will be notified of selected art around July 1, 2025
  • Artwork will be on display beginning on or around Sept 1, 2025 until Aug of 2026.
  • Displayed artwork will only contain the student’s first name, last initial, grade, and title of the work. No other identifying information will be included.
Contact Chris Gleason via email at