Click the links below to navigate to different sections of this page:
Reporting Student Data
SPR Reporting (State Statute 115.38)
Civil Rights Data (CRDC) Support for Districts
EdMaps – REL Midwest EdMaps is a web-mapping application that displays complex education data geographically as “story maps.” EdMaps helps users analyze publicly available data, observe trends over time, and frame conversations on practice and policy.
Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
50-State Comparison: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Grants Information
Data Resource Links
- Administrator Data Literacy: Empower leaders with the skills to use data to create a culture of effective data use that includes supporting teacher data use in the classroom.
- Clear Career Pathways Require Connected Data (Infographic)
- Data Quality Campaign Home
- Education Data 101: A Briefing Book for Policymakers
- How Data Empowers Parents (Infographic and Video)
- Mr. Maya's Data-Rich Year (Infographic)
- Ms. Bullen’s Data-Rich Year (Infographic)
- Teacher Data Literacy: Teachers need the time, training, and resources to interpret and use information effectively.
- Time to Act: Making Data Work for Students (pdf)
- Time to Act: Making Data Work for Students (Infographic and Video)
- Who Uses Student Data? (Infographic)